The Czech Republic is divided to the 3 part. The first is Bohemia (There is Prague. It is capital city), second is Moravia and last is Czech Silesia. This parts are divided to the smaller parts to the regions. We have got 13 regions (Prague, Liberecký region, Plzeňský etc.). The Czech Republic is surrounded by mountains (Krkonoše, Šumava etc.). The Sněžka is highest mountain in Czech and It is 1602 metres.
We have got 2 mains rivers. The first is Vltava. The Vltava rises in Šumava and flows into the Elbe and This is second main river. The Elbe flows into the Baltic Sea.
We have got 4 seasons. It is spring, summer, autumn and winter. The temperature is about -4 degrees Celsius in winter and about 30 degrees Celsius is in winter. It is very big contrast.
The political system is parliamentary democracy. An independent Czech state was established in 1.1.1993.
We had a parliamentary choice in this weekend and to the Chamber of Deputies were elected ČSSD, ANO 2011, KSČM, TOP09, ODS, HNUTÍ ÚSVIT and KDU-ČSL. The government will be from this political parties. They have got a legislative power.
The President is Miloš Zeman. He was elected by people. He created the government, where is the Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok. This government isn´t legitimate, because they haven´t got support from the Chamber of Deputies.
We have got big problem with corruptions and I hope for better time, because here is place for a better tomorrows.
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